patient holding a sign that reads smile goals

Composite Fillings

A composite filling is used to repair a tooth that is affected by decay, cracks, fractures, etc.

White composite resins or tooth colored fillings may be recommended for your child by a pediatric dentist. Dental composite resins are types of synthetic resins which are used in dentistry as restorative material or adhesives. White composite fillings look and feel just like natural enamel and are recommended to restore weak tooth structure or decay.  Dental composite resins have certain properties that will benefit patients according to the patient’s cavity. They provide durable support and resistance to fracture for areas with constant occlusion or contact.

Tooth colored composite fillings are bonded to teeth and for this reason, do not always require anesthetizing. The use of anesthesia is often required if tooth decay has progressed beneath the enamel layer and into the underlying dentin layer which surrounds the nerve of the tooth. Once decay is removed, the tooth is cleaned and a primer (etch) is applied to the area being restored. The primer opens pores in the enamel and dentin. A bonding agent is then flowed into the open pores and light cured. Curing prepares the bonding agent to adhere to the tooth filling material. The filling material is then placed inside the tooth. After shaping and molding the tooth colored filling material to resemble the natural anatomy of your tooth it is hardened by curing with a strong curing light. Once the white composite filling hardens, your bite will be checked to make sure your teeth fit together properly. If the tooth filling extends into the space between your teeth your dentist will also make sure you can floss between your teeth properly. Adjustments are then made to smooth and polishing the new tooth structure.

Why Would One Need A Composite Filling?

More often than not, cavities of all shapes and sizes are the main reason behind a composite filling procedure or treatment. Typically, they require prompt action in order to avoid further damage. If you have tooth decay that causes cavity formation, one of our dentists will be able to assess the situation and decide to potentially drill out the affected portion of the tooth and apply a filling. Other reasons for a white composite filling may include:

Recommended Advantages of White Composite Fillings

There are many benefits of white composite or tooth-colored resin fillings.

They look more aesthetically pleasing since they match your natural tooth color and appearance. They require less drilling, so not as much tooth structure needs to be removed. They harden in seconds instead of days like other materials. They bond to the tooth giving it greater strength, which helps prevent breaks. They can be repaired if damaged.

The Process of White Composite Fillings

White fillings are made from a mixture of plastic and glass particles. The decayed portion of the tooth is removed and the soft composite resin is placed in layers to ensure that it completely fills the cavity. Each layer is hardened using a special light which bonds the composite resin to your tooth. Once hardened, one of our KidZdent dentists is able to shape the composite so that it resembles your other teeth and to ensure an even bite. It’s then polished to prevent premature wear and staining.


Prevention is always the best and most effective course of action.. You can dramatically decrease your risk of cavities and other dental diseases simply by maintaining the following:

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